Sunday, 22 January 2012

January Update

Things have been very quiet on the building front lately with good reason.
We are moving house at the end of this month to a bigger detached house with a large garden.
I am also purchasing a new workshop which will be bigger than shed I have been struggling in.
I'm hoping to be up and running at the very latest by the end of march so the blog and any sales will probably be on hiatus till then. I hope I might be suprised with some followers when I return as I have plenty of visitors and have been going for a while and have only one comment from an anonymous scource. sniff!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Strange little homemade guitar

On Ebay is this strange little homemade guitar. It's about the size of a Ukulele but has 6 strings a solid body and and as the seller is a Geordie (from Newcastle). The wiggly bit on the upper horn is actually a dog head.

The seller   has only a link to You tube where upon he describes the guitar.
It seems he has made a few guitars and from his demos they seem to play better than one would expect by looking at them.
This is a video of another of his creations. A round shaped mini guitar. He even stands on it at one point to show how solid it is. Check out his other videos too.

Anyhow. I think they all look amazing. and I will be bidding